Listening to Winter

Listening to Winter cover

“Molly Fisk brings to her readers a poetry of great emotional power, linguistic invention, and courage. She looks long and hard at the world, and speaks to what she sees with both clarity and depth.” Jane Hirshfield

“The pure lyric voice is what will endear her to lovers of poetry. That voice will last a lifetime.” Carolyn Kizer

“An intellectually self-aware, bold and brilliant re/consideration of the culturally paradigmatic problem of incest. In lacunae and ellipses as powerful as the poems themselves, she shows to the mind the heart’s wounds and forces it to make of them an answer. Complex, memorable, Listening to Winter makes vivid the real and dangerous work of what is called, contemptuously, ‘confessionalism,’ meditating, from its most intimate perspective, on the nature and costs of ‘The Old Order.'” Linda McCarriston


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