Particulate Matter, at Rattle/Poets Respond
Dark Rum & Tonic at Academy of American Poets
Archived publications: at Vox Populi (poems/essays), at Popula (Me Today essays), at Women’s Voices for Change (essays), at KVMR
Book Reviews
Review: Exile Heart on Cultural Daily
Death Herself: Undress, She Said on Vox Populi
Form as Container: The Fat Sonnets (book review), on The Rumpus

on Back Porch Writer with Kori Miller
on “the stanza” with Molly Spencer: Part 1 & Part 2
on Poets’ Quarterly with Millicent Borges Accardi
TEDXSanFrancisco Molly reads her poem “Daybreak”
My radio commentary, “Observations from a Working Poet,” runs on community station KVMR-FM Nevada City every Friday at 6:25 p.m. PT
An interview on the occasion of my 600th commentary.

If you would like to purchase more than one copy,
please email me so I can give you a discount on the shipping fees.
Everything But the Kitchen Skunk
Ongoing Observations from a Working Poet
California Fire & Water:
A Climate Crisis Anthology
Naming Your Teeth
Even More Observations from a Working Poet
Houston, We Have a Possum
Further Observations from a Working Poet
Using Your Turn Signal Promotes World Peace
More Observations from a Working Poet
Blow-Drying a Chicken
Observations from a Working Poet
The More Difficult Beauty
Listening to Winter